Duas Faces distinguished with “Gold Award” at the Graphis Design Awards 2024
Our Vouga Trail 2023 poster was awarded the
Our Vouga Trail 2023 poster was one of the works awarded with the "Gold Award", in the Poster Print category, in the prestigious Design Awards 2024 competition, promoted by the New York publisher Graphis, a reference in the sector. The award distinguished the design of the poster developed for the edition of “Vouga Trail 2023”, a work developed in collaboration with the Cream Agency for the Municipality of Sever do Vouga, to promote the event “Vouga Trail - 22/23 National Championship”.
Graphis publishes the most prestigious yearbooks in the world, with award-winning works from international talents in Design, Advertising, Art/Illustration, Photography, among other sectors.
"The poster illustrates the different walking routes in Sever do Vouga, which were the stage for the National Championship on the “Vouga Trail” and, to facilitate intuitive interpretation by participants and visitors, the representation of each route is made using a color distinctive, highlighting in a unique way the vibrant nature of the event. The poster also illustrates the main elements that distinguish the municipality, such as the waterfalls and the Santiago bridge (ex-libris of the region). It also captures the movement of the crystal clear waters of the rivers, element present in several phases of the event, giving authenticity to the entire experience”, explains Sérgio Duarte, creative director of Duas Faces Design.
Also in this edition of the Graphis Design Awards 2024, Duas Faces was also distinguished with an honorable mention, in the Print Branding category, with the work developed for its client Estádio Clínica, work that had already been distinguished with a “Bronze Award” at the Prémios Lusófonos da Publicidade.
Daqui, saem 29 galardões para Portugal by BRIEFING
Cartaz do Vouga Trail rende prémio internacional à Duas Faces Design by MEIOS E PUBLICIDADES